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Alcoholiday Lyrics

Album/Collection: Bandwagonesque
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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There are things I want to do but I don't know
If they will be with you, if they will be with you
There are things I want to say but I don't know
If they will be to you, if they will be to you
Listen ever get a feeling
When you're taken by the hand
And then of course you can
Come out
Went to bed but I'm not ready
Baby I've been fucked already
Falling into line but I'm doing nothing
We've got nothing worth discussing.
Went to go but it's all hazy
People say I'm going crazy.
(Repeat all above)
All I know is all I know
What I've done I leave behind and
I don't know what sort to find me.
All I know is all I know
What I've done I leave behind and
I don't know what sort to find me.
All I know is all I know
What I've done I leave behind and
I don't know what sort to find me.

Alcoholiday Lyrics

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