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I Still Believe Lyrics

Album/Collection: Miss Saigon - Ho Chi Minh City, April 1978
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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last night I watched him sleeping
my body pressed to him
and then he started speaking
the name I heard him speak...was Kim
yes I know that this was years ago
but when moonlight fills my room I know
you are here... still

I still
I still believe
you will return
I know you will
my heart
against all odds
holds still

yes, still
I still believe
I know as long as I can keep believing, I'll live
I'll live
love cannot die
you will return
you will return
and I alone know why

(in a bedroom on the other side of the world, in America. A woman is
sitting beside CHRIS who is sleeping. She is ELLEN, CHRIS' s wife)

last night I watched you sleeping
once more, the nightmare came
I heard you cry out something
a word that sounded like... a name
and it hurts me more than I can bear
knowing part of you I'll never share
never know

but still
I still believe
the time will come
when nothing keeps us apart
my heart, forever more
holds still

(CHRIS wakes up from his sleep with a cry. ELLEN takes him in her
arms and calms him)

it' s all over, I' m here
there is nothing to fear
Chris, what' s haunting you?
won' t you let me inside
what you so want to hide!
I need you too!

KIM                               ELLEN
for still                         I will hold you all night, I will make
                                                            [it all right
I still believe                   you are safe with me
as long as I                      and I wish you could tell what you don't
                                                            [want to tell
can keep believing, I'll live     what your hell must be

I'll live                         you can sleep now
you will return                   you can cry now
and I know why                    I'm your wife now
I'm yours                         for life
until we die                      until we die

(In America, CHRIS holds ELLEN; in Vietnam, KIM is alone in
her room.)

I Still Believe Lyrics

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